Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Teo Ser Luck, Minister of State and Singapore Ministry of Manpower

A response from the Ministry of Manpower over Minister of State, Teo Ser Luck's photo caption.

The photo showed Mr Teo, on a bed with no mattress in a dormitory, with the caption: "I learnt that some workers prefer to sleep without a mattress as they are used to it back in their home country." 

"We understand that many of you have expressed concerns over a Facebook photo featuring MOS Teo Ser Luck visiting a dormitory.

The Facebook post, including the captions, were put up by our MOM Facebook Administrator. MOS Teo did not make those comments. We regret the unintended implications, and any misunderstanding that the post has caused. To avoid further misrepresentation, we have removed all the captions from the Facebook post.
Foreign workers have contributed much to the development of Singapore. The visit to the dormitory is to show our appreciation, and our care and concern for their wellbeing from housing to food, and exercise to entertainment in their dormitories. It is unfortunate it was over shadowed by this turn of events.
As we celebrate International Migrants Day today, and over the weekend, we would like to appeal to the public to refocus our attention on showing appreciation to our foreign workers. Our work to improve the experiences of foreign workers in Singapore will continue through the joint efforts of the tripartite partners, NGOs and the general public.
Thank you." 
- Singapore Ministry of Manpower18 December at 19:45 · 

No lah. What kind of excuse is this? How honest is this mistake? 

This comment is just insensitive and this administrator or minister can say that? 
Just baffling. 

If there is no controversy, the ghost writer / administrator will not surface. 

Hence, it is possible that all the public figures engage 'ghost writers' and the blame could be on the ghost writers for the mistakes every time he makes it. 

People may be angry at the comments initially but to find out that the 'Teo Ser Luck' is really somebody else 'writing/posing' for him so that he has an online presence. That is worst and makes him appear more dishonest. Although ghost writers are common, most people who use them do not publicly announce that because it goes against the objective of having an online personality. 

However, Teo doesn't seem to vett the posts and by letting the ghost writer out of the bag so soon may actually make the public think about ghost writers for his comardes. Let's say they all have ghost writers, who has a better one? Too bad Teo just happens to have a bad one. 

FB comments: 
M - "Also, were the comments really made by an administrator? Really..."
 -- Reply - Me -: "Mystery...."
Reply W - "If people liked the comments, they were made by him. If not, admin sure tio tua." 

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