Sunday, March 20, 2016

Book list from 2nd oct 2000

Here is a reading list compiled in 2000.

Iniva building in 2002

Book lists read from:
Book list from 2nd oct 2000
1. Artist and camera
©1980 Arts council of great britain
exhibition catalogue.

2. Rethinking the museum: &other meditations.
By Stephen E. Weil
smithsonian institution press
©1990, editor michelle Smith
isbn: 0-87474-953-0

3. Let's Get it On: The politics of Black performance. Edited by Catherine UGwu
Bay Press, Seattle/
isbn ICA : 0-905263-64-2

4. At the threshold of the visible: minuscule and small-scale Art --1964-96.
copyright: 1997, Independent Curators Incorporated,
exhibition catagloue. isbn: 0-916365-50-6
Independent Curators Incorporated, 799 Broadway, Suite 205, New York, NY 10003.

(212)-254-8200/ fax(212)-477-4781.

5. The ends of performance, edited peggy phelan & jill lane--, ©1998 New york university, new york univesity press.
6.The optic of walter benjamin.-- edited by alex coles., Black dog publishing ltd. ©1999, isbn: 1-901033-414.

7.Don't trust the label: an exhibition of fakes, imitations and the real thing.

exhibition catalogue . ©David Philips and the Art Council of Great britain 1986. printed by Staples Printers St. Albans LTD. isbn: 0 7287 0505 2. (interesting book about fakes...)

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